Welcome to Mardi Gras Fun (www.MardiGrasFun.com)

This is a family orientated website

Mardi Gras Fun is designed and created by a native New Orleanian to share with you.
a) Mardi Gras (since 1940s)
b) New Orleans
c) Louisiana
d) Local Organizations and
d) Other items..

Our single most important mission is to share stories, pictures, movies and our local history through the eyes of local New Orleanians with you.
New Orleans, like most major urban areas, has much to offer. But trust me, it is also a fun place to live and Les Bon Temps Roule (Let the good times roll).
Way back in 1842 my great great grandfather, Victor, came to Louisiana from France. He was called to manage a plantation along the river in the Napoleonville area of Louisiana. He brought with him several sons. My great grandfather, Jean Pierre, was a 16 year old at the time. He almost outlived all of his three wives. His last wife, a German, was my great grandmother who lived into her late 80s and died in 1932. She sang to my older brother, Peter Juge, who died 4/25/2008 at age 76. My father was the first of six to be born in Algiers at home, customary place where children were born in those days.
We even had a relative, Gen. Paul, who was placed in charge of the European Brigade in New Orleans by Mayor Monroe during the Civil War and just before the Federal seizure of New Orleans. At that time he owned a wine and cheese shop in the French Quarter. He was a Frenchman who came to make his fortune in the new world and found all this civil unrest. Locals and Confederates considered these Europeans 'Yanks in disguise.' (Note the link on the very left bottom of this page to my brother's fictional book evolving about him.)
My mother's side was mostly of German decent. They came over in the mid 19th century also. They were cotton brokers and bankers. A. C. Wuerpel, my mother's maternal grandfather, remarried in 1900 to a gal her mother's age after the death of her grandmother. Women didn't live long in those years. Both her maternal grandfathers, including E. C. Roehl, were bankers in their latter years.
I hope you enjoy this web site and learn from it. It is not unlike a book. It's certainly easier to bounce around inside, also to locate resources, information and many photos.

Any questions and/or suggestions contact info@mardigrasfun.com


To the right is St. Louis Cathedral at Jackson Square